I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our students, both returning and new, along with their families to Northwest Elementary School. This year we will continue to foster a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, and respect within our school community.
The mission of Northwest Elementary School is to be committed to a safe and positive learning environment which encourages students to fulfill their highest academic potential while nurturing the differences of every student. The school maintains cooperative interactions among staff, parents, and community to produce self-motivated empowered citizens.
Our team of educators and support staff have been working diligently to prepare and design engaging, meaningful learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of our students. Let us embrace this new academic year with enthusiasm and a determination to achieve greatness. With a collaborative effort we will celebrate all successes, and create a learning environment where all students can flourish.
I encourage everyone to stay connected with our school through Class DOJO, district and school website, social media channels, and regular communication updates. Additionally, please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff members should you have questions or concerns. We value your feedback and are committed to all concerns or praise.
Thank you for your support and trust. I am excited about the successful and rewarding school year ahead.
Tim Foshie, Principal